In most Sub-Saharan African countries where epilepsy is very common, children living with epilepsy are denied the right to education either by their parents/guardians who fear that these children will be ill-treated in schools, and/or by school authorities who erroneously think that these children will “contaminate” other children with Epilepsy. Epilepsy should never be a criteria for denying any child his/her fundamental right to education. Children with epilepsy can perform well too in school if their seizures are well controlled.

October 10, 2021 will remain a memorable day in the lives of four children living with epilepsy in Bamenda. These children each received basic school needs and a financial token for the fees of the 2021/2022 academic year from Epilepsy Awareness and Aid Association. During the meeting, the caregivers were encouraged to continue supporting their children with epilepsy to go to school and that these children should not be denied the opportunity to go to school or be neglected in the family. They should be given equal opportunities as other children in the family. The parents expressed their appreciation of this gesture and promised to continue supporting these children in school so that their dreams can become true.



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