EAAF Cameroon celebrates all women epilepsy warriors who despite all the stigma, discrimination and seizures are making giant strides and inspiring other women and girls with epilepsy.

We celebrate our very own volunteer, Ms Erica Leinjung, a 23 years old woman living with epilepsy. Erica developed Epilepsy at the age of 3 years secondary to neonatal asphyxia (low oxygen to the brain during birth).

It was very challenging growing up with epilepsy given the extreme levels of stigma against people with epilepsy in Cameroon.

She was accused of being a witch and an occultist. People advised her father to withdraw her from school due to the recurrent seizures. Due to her resilience and self-determination, Erica continued with school against all odds. She completed high school with good results and subsequently got into nursing school.

Today, she is working as a nurse and volunteering as a peer educator with Epilepsy Awareness and Aid Foundation, Cameroon. Erica uses her story to inspire, encourage and elevate women and girls living with epilepsy.

She is a real heroine!

Keep the fire burning warrior 💜💜


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