Living with epilepsy can pose numerous challenges, especially for young children. However, thanks to the generous donation of antiepileptic medications, the impact on their health outcomes and school attainment has been truly remarkable. For children with epilepsy, managing their condition and ensuring a good quality of life is of utmost importance. We report a success story of a child who greatly benefited from these donated medications. Djojip Arol is an 11-year old boy who was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of six. His condition initially affected his daily life and educational progress, as he experienced frequent seizures that affected his ability to concentrate and participate fully in classroom activities. He experienced status epilepticus (a life-threatening complication of epilepsy characterised by uninterrupted seizures or a single prolonged seizure lasting five minutes or more) on several occasions, leading to hospitalisations and missed school days. He had been tried on multiple antiepileptic drugs, but none seemed to effectively control his seizures. His mother, who was in desperate need of assistance and support, presented him to the CEO of EAARF, Dr Mundih Njohjam, during a community outreach program. After a thorough assessment, he was placed on Levetiracetam, one of the newer antiepileptic medications that had been donated to our programme by a US-based non-profit organisation, the ROW Foundation. Levetiracetam, is one of the new generation AEDs that has been found to be effective in the management of seizures. However, it is not yet widely available and affordable in our local healthcare system. With the donated medications, Djojip’s seizures started to become less frequent and less severe. From having daily seizures, he now only experiences a seizure once every few months. He has shown significant improvement in his overall health and well-being. He is now able to attend school regularly without the fear of having a seizure in class. His academic performance has also improved, as he is now able to concentrate better and actively participate in classroom discussions.
‘My son is always very sad when he doesn’t go to school because of his seizures. But ever since he started taking the donated antiepileptic medications, his life has changed for the better.He is now able to participate fully in school activities and enjoy a normal childhood,” says his mother.
‘I am very grateful for the antiepileptic medications that have made such a positive impact on Djojip’s life. I can’t express enough how much of a difference it has made for our family.Without access to these medications, Djojip’s quality of life would have remained significantly compromised.His seizures were affecting his ability to learn and thrive in school, but the donated antiepileptic medications have given him a chance at a normal childhood and a brighter future.
This testimonial highlights the tremendous impact that the right antiepileptic medications can have on the health outcomes and school attainment rate of a child with epilepsy. It demonstrates the importance of improving access to affordable and effective medications. With the support of organisations like the ROW Foundation, children like Djojip are given the opportunity to live a life free from the burden of frequent seizures. These medications not only reduce the frequency and severity of seizures, but also improve the child’s ability to attend school regularly and perform well academically.



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